Nnnnnnnworld's longest book domino chains

Recordbreaking 5,000 book domino chain completed youtube. Watch the worlds longest domino chain made of books. The seattle public library made a domino chain using 2,1 books and successfully made the entire chain toppled, a world record. The worlds longest domino chain made of books youtube. To kick off its summer reading program, the seattle public library set out to break one of the great literary records. To kick off its 20 summer reading program, the seattle public library set a world record with a libraryappropriate domino chain.

A belgium book association claim they have set a new world record for the longest book domino. The books used to make this domino chain were either donated or. The seattle public library made a domino chain using 21 books and successfully made the entire chain toppled, a. Longest book domino chain track canvas members logan senecheck and kenny heidegger made a domino chain using 115 books and successfully made the entire chain topple. Sinners domino entertainment knocks down record toppling 10,200. The seattle public library decided to create the worlds longest book domino chain, a feat that required a total of 2,1 books. Twentyseven volunteers lined up 2,1 books and knocked them all down. Guinness world record longest biggest domino line ever. Unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited mssql databases free domain for life. The previous record of a 1,000book domino chain was set by an organization called responsible fishing in the united kingdom in 2011. The seattle public library launched the 20 summer reading program by setting a new world record for the longest book domino chain. Seattle public library sets record for longest book domino chain.

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